** If you think you should have a procurement role (requisitions/marketplace) and you do not, you must send an email to your campus DASH coordinator to request a role**

Campus/Institute DASH Coordinators:

  • IPS – Lisa Boothby
  • UTK – Brandon Herriage (for ERP roles)
  • UTHSC – Mike Ebbs, Betty Lee Pace, George Ninan, Shalonda Tipton
  • UT Foundation – Adam Heller and Amy King
  • UT Martin – Carol Williams
  • UTSI – Michelle Carmack
  • UTS – Rhonda Clinard
  • UT Chattanooga – Allison Evans
  • UT System – Jennifer Easley
  • UTIA – Angela Gibson


Q: What if I don’t have access to requisitions or Marketplace in DASH? 

A: If you think you should have a requisition role in DASH but you do not, you will need to discuss with your business office.  If it is decided that you need procurement access, you will fill out a DASH support ticket with your request. 


Q: Will my account number in DASH look the same as it did in IRIS? 

A: No, accounts will look very different in DASH.  Please see here for information about the Chart of Accounts. 


Q: Will we still have to enter GL codes in DASH? 

A: Yes. In DASH what we formerly called the GL code is now the “account” segment in your account string.  GL code (account) numbers in IRIS begin with a “4” and in DASH they will begin with a “5”.  The rest of the GL code (account) number will remain the same.  For a list of accounts:  https://controller.tennessee.edu/general-accounting/iris-general-ledger/ 

Q: How do I know what item type to choose in my requisition? 

A: There are three item types you can choose for your requisition: goods billed by quantity, services billed by amount or services billed by quantity.  If you choose goods billed by quantity, you will be asked to enter the quantity of the item you are requesting along with the unit of measure and price per unit.   

When you choose an amount-based purchase, you will only enter the dollar amount for the line item you are requesting.  You will not need to fill in quantity or unit of measure.   

Example of quantity-based item type:  I need to order 15 monitors for $200 each 

Example of amount-based purchase:  I need to purchase $4,000 worth of landscape services 


Q: Will vendor numbers change in DASH? 

A: Yes, in DASH vendor numbers will begin with a “6” 


Q: If I know the old IRIS vendor number, will I be able to find out what that vendor number is in DASH? 

A: Yes, there is a report that will allow you to search by IRIS vendor numbers or by vendor name. 


Q: Can I split a transaction between two accounts? 

A: Yes, you will be able to split your line items between two account numbers.  You can split a line item by dollar amount or by percentage. 

Q: Can I split a transaction between a GL account and a project? 

A: If you need to split a purchase between a project and a GL account, it is best to create an amount-based PO with separate line items.  For example, line 1 could be for $5,000 attributable to a GL account and line 2 could be for $3,500 attributable to a project.  The total amount of the purchase would be $8,500 with $5,000 going to the GL account and $3,500 going to the project account. 

Q: What if I used the wrong account number when entering my requisition?  Can I change the account when I am paying my invoice? 

A: No, you cannot change the account number when you are entering your invoice.  You will need to contact your purchasing office to request a change order for your purchase order.  The purchasing office can then change the account number on the PO. 

Q: Will NCJs be processed the same way they were in the past? 

A: For the most part yes.  However, there is a new requisition type “NCJ No NCJ Form Required per FI0405.”  For sole sources that meet the NCJ exemption criteria outlined in FI0405, you will select this requisition type.  Otherwise, NCJs are handled the same way as they were in ESM.  Please read policy before submitting an NCJ. 

Q: What do I do if I need to request a vendor number? 

A: The University will still use PaymentWorks.  If you need to enter a requisition but we do not have a vendor number set up, you will need to send the vendor a PaymentWorks invitation.  You will be able to find the link to PaymentWorks on the DASH landing page. 


Q: What if a vendor has a number but the vendor is designated as “inactive?”  

A: If a vendor is inactive, then they will need to update their information in PaymentWorks.  Vendors may become inactive when they have not been paid for two years or more. 

Q: What if my purchase with a Marketplace vendor is $10,000 or greater?  Do I need to do an NCJ or bid? 

A: No, all of our Marketplace catalogs have been through a bid process, so you are not limited to ordering less than $10,000 from them.  The only limitations would be your departmental budget. 


Q: Can I use my p-card to purchase from Marketplace catalogs? 

A: Except in the Amazon punchout catalog, p-cards cannot be entered as a form of payment in DASH.  The Amazon process remains the same and you will set up your account with your p-card directly through the Amazon punchout catalog.  All other Marketplace catalogs will be using e-invoices or a ghost card.  A ghost card is a single p-card for the entire University and vendors store that card information on their end so there is no need to enter a credit card number at the time you place your order. 

Q: Will Amazon now be a ghost card? 

A: No, Amazon will not use the ghost card.  You will still use your own p-card.  It is the only Marketplace vendor that allows the individual p-cards for purchase. 

Q: If my Marketplace Order was placed with a vendor who uses the ghost card, how do I reconcile? 

A: Accounts Payable will reconcile all ghost card orders for departments. 


Q: Can I still request a new ship-to address for Marketplace orders? 

A: No, DASH does not allow us to add one-time addresses.  You will need to use an address that is already in DASH as an official University address. 


Q: Can I forward my cart to someone else to check out? 

A: No, DASH does not have the capability to forward carts to another person.  If you have Marketplace access, you will be able to check out. 


Q: Do I need to receive my Marketplace orders? 

A: Yes, when you receive an item that you ordered through Marketplace you will need to receive that item in the My Receipts app. It is very important to do this so e-invoices can be processed. 


Q: What if someone uses the wrong account number when placing a Marketplace order? 

A: There is not a way to change the account number if the order has already been placed.  You will have to transfer the amount to the correct account in your ledger. 

Q: What happens to the POs that were created in IRIS/ESM? 

A: All open POs that were created in IRIS/ESM will be in DASH when we go live. These POs will retain the same PO number they had in IRIS.  They will start with a “45” or a “55” depending on the type of purchase order.  If a purchase order has been closed out by the time we go live, that PO will not be in DASH. 


Q: What is the new numbering system for purchase orders in DASH? 

A: Standard purchase orders will begin with a “PO” followed by the two digits for your budget entity.  Purchase Agreements will begin with a “PA” and will follow the same numbering system as POs. 

Example: PO100000000154 is a standard purchase order for a Knoxville campus department because the two digits after “PO” are 10 which is the new budget entity code for Knoxville.   


Q: Can I request that a PO is unencumbered? 

A: No, all standard purchase orders in DASH are encumbered.  Purchase agreements (framework orders) are unencumbered.  Purchase Agreements (framework orders) are shared across departments and campuses and therefore cannot be used for sole sources. 


Q: Can sole source purchase orders be unencumbered? 

A: No, all sole source POs are encumbered.  You will need to think about your department’s budget and anticipated spend before submitting a sole source request.   


Q: Will we still have framework purchase orders? 

A: Yes, framework purchase orders are called purchase agreements in DASH.  There is one significant change, however.  In IRIS, you were able to enter the framework purchase order number when you were paying an invoice.  In DASH, purchase agreement numbers cannot be used to pay an invoice.  Instead, you will complete the purchase agreement order form in DASH to create a requisition, referencing the purchase agreement number.  DASH will automatically create a purchase order after the requisition is submitted.  You can choose to send this one-time purchase order to your vendor if the vendor asks for a PO.  Otherwise, you can create your requisition at the time you get an invoice so you will have a PO number to use when entering your invoice. 


Q: Where can I find the university’s purchase agreements?  

A: Our purchase agreement website will still be available to search.  You can access this through the requisition app or by going here: purchase agreements 


Q: How do I order from a Purchase Agreement (formerly framework order)? 

A: You will use the purchase agreement order form to process a requisition for goods or services that you will purchase from a purchase agreement.   

Q: Can I complete one Purchase Agreement Order Form for multiple invoices that are for the same agreement, or does each invoice need its own form? 

A: You can complete one purchase agreement order form for multiple invoices. 

Q: What is the contract order form used for? 

A: You will use this form when you need to send a PO to a supplier when we have a “95” contract in place.  If a supplier does not require a PO in addition to the contract, you will use this form just like you would the purchase agreement order form; you need to process an invoice. 


Q: If I use the purchase agreement order form or the contract order form, will my purchase order automatically transmit to the supplier? 

A: No, purchase orders created from these order forms do not transmit to the supplier.  If the supplier requires a PO, you will need to send it to them yourself.  The only POs that are automatically transmitted to the supplier are orders placed in the Marketplace punchout catalogs. 


Q: How will I handle assets in DASH? 

A: Assets are created at the time you enter an invoice.  There will be a box that you check for “asset.” 

Q: Is DASH our new contract system? 

A: No, we will continue to use the current contract system (ESM/Agiloft) for contract entry. 


Q: How will I access the contract system? 

A: From the DASH homepage, you will see Agiloft in the menu.  Agiloft is our contract system. 


Q: I’ve heard all payable contracts must have a PO.  Is this true? 

A: Yes, in DASH all payments for contracts are made via a PO. 


Q: What happens with the active contracts in DASH after go-live?  

A: All active payable contracts prior to go-live will have a Contract Purchase Agreement created in DASH.  When you need to pay an invoice, you will create a requisition using the contract order form and they current “95” contract number as your agreement. 


Q: Why do I need to enter a ship to and bill to address in the contract management system now? 

A: It is a requirement of DASH that all contracts have a shop to and bill to address even if the contract is for services and involved no shipping. 


Q: How do I get a purchase order if I have a payable contract? 

A: When your contract gets activated, the system will automatically create a Contract Purchase Agreement in DASH.  That Contract Purchase Agreement will have the same “95” number as your contract.  You will use the contract order form in Self-Service Procurement when you need to send a PO to a supplier (when the supplier requires a PO in addition to the contract).  


Q: What do I do if I need to send the PO to a supplier? 

A: You will complete the contract order form and then when you get to the requisition summary page, you will enter into the justification field that a PO is required by the supplier. 


Q: What if my contract needs to be split between two account numbers? 

A: When you create your requisition, you will be able to split the amount of the PO between 2 or more accounts.  You can split by amount or by percentage. 


Q: What if the items in my contract need to be shipped to multiple addresses? 

A: You can make a note of that in the contract document itself, communicate the shipping information through email to the vendor, or make a designation in your PO that you will create. 


Q: What if the supplier does not need a purchase order and I just need a PO to process my invoice? 

A: If a supplier does not require a PO, you will use the contract order form when you need to process an invoice.  The form will create a requisition.  You will need to attach your invoice to the requisition because Accounts Payable will audit your invoice at this time and then approve the requisition so a purchase order will generate. 


Q: Will Accounts Payable still audit contract invoices? 

A: Yes.  The workflow will be a little different in DASH.  If you are ready to create a PO in order to pay your invoice, you will need to attach the invoice to your requisition.  Accounts Payable will review the invoice at the time your requisition is submitted.  They will compare the invoice to the contract document and if it all looks good, they will approve the requisition, and you will see in My Requisitions a PO number to use. 


Q: If I need to enter a zero-dollar contract and there is no vendor number in DASH, do I have to send the vendor an invitation through PaymentWorks? 

A: No, for zero-dollar contracts you do not need to send a PaymentWorks invitation.  Instead, you will complete the company number request form found here: https://procurement.tennessee.edu/contracts/ 


Q: If I need to enter a receivable contract and there is no vendor number in DASH, what do I do? 

A: Accounts Receivable has a form that you will fill out to set the vendor up as a company.  The form can be accessed from the Accounts Payable website. 

Q: Has the NCJ form changed?   

A: No, the NCJ form is the same and can be accessed in the Forms section of the Procurement Services website.  

Q: Can we pre-save or pre-load our favorite accounts for the contract entry in Agiloft? 

A: No, this is not currently possible. 

Q: How do we update or correct a Contract Order Form that we have already submitted? 

A: Access the requisition from your pending queue and use the edit function to make corrections. 

Q: How do I request a role or change my access?  

A: For access/authorization issues submit a ticket to DTS at:https://utk.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/2277/OIT-Portal/Requests/TicketRequests/NewForm?ID=VbcnfiO9IWQ_&RequestorType=ServiceOffering (it’s the “DASH Access Request” link on the DASH Support page on Friends of DASH.