Sourcing System Training
ESM Sourcing:
Screen-shot based tutorial: Click here.
- Video 1: Accessing the Sourcing system from Market Place.
- Video 2: Flip a requisition to Sourcing.
- Video 3: Finding your requisition/event and event header section.
- Video 4: Event sections.
- Video 5: Bid line item.
- Video 6: Adding attachments.
- Video 7: Publishing to registered bidders; publishing to the Posting Board.
- Video 8: Addenda (creating an addendum)
- Video 9: Removing a bid from the posting board.
- Video 10: Bid responses.
- Video 11: Generating the bid tab (for RFQs).
- Video 12: Proposing an award.
- Video 13: Inviting Suppliers.