Welcome potential bidders and suppliers!  Thank you for your interest in doing business with the University of Tennessee.   We invite you to learn about UT’s procurement processes and procedures by reviewing the resources listed in the menu under “INFO & RESOURCES for UT Bidders and Suppliers.”


Important First Steps

REGISTER as a bidder to receive email notifications and submit responses to UT’s solicitations. Suppliers only need to register once to receive notifications from all four UT procurement offices.


PREPARE to do business with UT by becoming familiar with UT’s procurement policies and procedures.  Visit the Supplier Training, Purchasing Terms and Conditions, and Supplier Resources and Links pages to learn more.


RESPOND to UT procurement opportunities.  If you are not awarded a purchasing agreement as a result of your first bid response, watch for future opportunities.  Ask questions.  Keep learning.  Keep responding.   For help in using UT’s electronic sourcing system, visit the Supplier Training page.


CONNECT with UT Procurement.  Visit our procurement websites using the links below.  Subscribe to our monthly supplier newsletter and read archived editions on the Supplier Newsletter page.


Learn about each of UT’s four procurement offices by visiting their websites.

UT Chattanooga Procurement and Contract Services

UT Health Science Center Procurement Services

UT Martin Purchasing

The UT System Office of Procurement Services (this website) is responsible for procurement for UT System, UT Knoxville, UT Southern, the UT Institute of Agriculture, and the UT Institute for Public Service.


For more information, email supplierinfo@tennessee.edu.