Supplier Newsletter
Stay connected with UT Procurement Services by subscribing to our monthly supplier newsletter!
Newsletter features:
- Answers to FAQ’s about working with UT
- Tradeshow, event, and workshop announcements
- Helpful articles
- Anticipated bid opportunities
Suppliers click here to subscribe.
IMPORTANT: The newsletter does NOT take the place of bid notifications from UT’s electronic sourcing system, ESM Solutions. If you would like to receive UT bid notifications, please visit our bid registration webpage to learn more,
Archive of Previous Newsletter Articles
update in progress…check back soon
What types of bids does UT publish and how are they evaluated?
Where do I find solicitation documents and how do I download them?
How do I upload my completed response documents back into the system?
How do I submit cost responses for UT’s solicitations?
How do I enter my unit bid cost into the cost table in ESM?
Why am I asked to submit my technical and cost responses as separate documents?
Coming soon – What is a proforma invoice and how does UT use it?