Contract Administration has negotiated a number of standard templates. The current standard templates are listed below.
The existence of a template does not change any UT policies. Departments must continue to comply with all applicable university policies. In particular, departments MUST still comply with relevant Fiscal Policies regarding purchasing and contracts. If a proposed agreement will be $10,000 or more, the transaction (including all associated costs) is subject to the competitive bid process.
These templates are not exclusive (i.e., just because the University has a “template” with a vendor, departments are not required to use those vendors). Templates are intended to make the contract process more efficient, but do not supersede or otherwise change any applicable state laws or University policies. For more information about the bidding process, visit the Purchasing Office.
As a reminder, only authorized officials may sign contracts. For more information, please contact your campus, unit, or institute contract or business office, or contact the system administration contract office.
The vendors will complete the templates. These templates are posted to give the campus, unit, and institute contract and business offices a resource to reference when reviewing an agreement received from one of these vendors. University contract reviewers may check the form they receive from any of these vendors against the form on this webpage.
The University has negotiated the following templates:
SMG and Knoxville Convention Center Contract Templates:
Knoxville Convention Center Template
SMG/University of Tennessee/Sub-licenses