Supplier Training and Events
Upcoming UT Webinars – click on workshop date & time to register.
Quarterly Workshop – An Introduction to Construction Opportunities at UT
This workshop discusses the differences in working with UT Capital Projects and UT Procurement. We will share tips on how to pursue potential construction opportunities for each office.
Thursday, October 10, 4:00-4:30 Eastern/3:00-3:30 Central (ONLINE)
UT Supplier Orientation, Part 1: REGISTER
This 30-minute webinar demonstrates how to register in UT’s electronic bid system, ESM Solutions. We will discuss how to register, how to edit your email notification settings, how to select commodities (NIGP codes), how to add users to your company profile, and how to add business classifications to your company profile.
Thursday, September 19, 2:00-2:30 Eastern/1:00-1:30 Central (ONLINE)
Quick Guide: REGISTER
Detailed Instructions: REGISTER
Overview of ESM and discussion of how bidders are selected to receive UT bid notifications. Helpful tips for completing ESM registration. Video 3: Modifying Email Notifications IMPORTANT information to reduce the number of email notifications from ESM Solutions. Video 4: Business Classifications Explanation of how UT uses business classifications and demo of how to add them to your ESM profile.
UT Supplier Orientation, Part 2: PREPARE
This one-hour workshop provides an overview of doing business with UT. Topics include UT’s organizational structure, procurement policies, procedures, and payment methods.
Tuesday, September 17, 2:00-3:00 Eastern/1:00-2:00 Central (ONLINE)
Thursday, October 17, 3:00-4:00 Eastern/2:00-3:00 Central (ONLINE)
UT Supplier Orientation, Part 3: RESPOND
This 30-minute workshop demonstrates how to use UT’s electronic bid system, ESM Solutions, to respond to UT solicitations. We will demonstrate how to navigate the platform, how to upload attachments, how to enter the unit bid price, and how to confirm that your response was submitted.
Thursday, September 19, 2:30-3:00 Eastern/1:30-2:00 Central (ONLINE)
Quick Guide: RESPOND
Detailed Instructions: RESPOND
VIDEOS WILL BE AVAILABLE BEFORE 2/9/24. Video 1: Accessing ESM Solutions Demo of how to log into ESM and search for bids. Video 2: Header Section of the ESM Response Demo of how to navigate the header section, download solicitation documents, and accept terms. Video 3: Events Section of the ESM Response Demo of how to navigate the events section, upload completed solicitation documents, and enter bid price.